Friday, June 28, 2013

REVIEW: Sun King Bourbon Barrel Wee Mac

More Sun King! Hooray! Now this beer came in a rather unique packaging. A two pack. I don't believe I've ever seen that before. But I do suppose that this is a special beer. From some quick research online this King's Reserve is a banner under which they package a lot of their limited, specialty releases. What we have here is a version of their Wee Mac Scottish ale that has spent a year in bourbon barrels. Sounds tasty to me! To the beer!

Bourbon Barrel Wee Mac pours what appears to be a dark ruddy brown but when the beer is held to light a very pretty purplish scarlet elixir becomes discernible. Much like the last Sun King beer I had in this resealable screw top can, Chaka, the head on this beer is a little disappointing. I surmised the last time that such a wide opening makes it tough to really agitate this beer the way that a standard can or longneck does. I'm beginning to think that this is definitely the case.

Now we get to the real star of this here beer. The aromas on this one are pretty wonderful. Big creamy notes of milk chocolate, bourbony hints of toffee, caramel, and vanilla, a hearty molasses like breadiness and just a touch of hazelnut. It's an intoxicating mixture of Bailey's, chocolate milk, and bourbon all somehow wrapped up in a single beer.

This beer is quite a bit lighter in body than I was expecting. The look and the aromas led me to believe that i was in for a big hearty brew. But really, it makes sense given the beer that went into the bourbon
barrel in the first place. If you're like me and forgot what the normal Wee Mac tastes like, go back and check out my thoughts on that one here. Bourbon Barrel Wee Mac opens up with a nice creaminess and some roasty toffee flavors. Robust bourbon character follows with flavors of vanilla and caramel. Chocolate and molasses sweetness comes out on the finish.

This beer is certainly tasty. Wee Mac makes an excellent backdrop for big bourbon flavors. But I'm not sure if it's my favorite of their brews. I think that's more of my taste rather than any failing on the part of the beer or the brewer. I found myself wishing there was a bit more oomph in the body. Anyway, tasty, but I'm not sure if it's quite worth the price tag.


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