Friday, May 25, 2012

REVIEW: Sun King Wee Mac

I'm keeping the Sunk King love coming. I mentioned in my post on their tasting room that I got a couple of their four packs in addition to the growler of Sky Cake. Today's post is the first of those: Wee Mac Scottish style ale. I had a chance to try each of Sun King's house beers in their tasting room, Wee Mac, Sunlight Cream Ale, and Osiris Pale Ale. All three were tasty, but I enjoyed Wee Mac the most. How does it taste out of that gorgeous can though? To the beer!

Wee Mac pours a beautiful deep red/ caramel brown color with bright ruby highlights. It's capped off with a generous amount of bubbly off white head.

The aromas on this beer are al malt. Big caramel backed with some roasted grain notes.

That prominent malt body is echoed in the flavor. lots of caramel flavors backed by some toffee and light molasses flavors. Even some hints of coffee and chocolate like notes to add to the complexity. It also has a really nice sweetness to it. With all of those competing malt flavors you'd probably be expecting a big hearty beer. Wee Mac is certainly very flavorful but the body isn't all that huge. This is a very drinkable beer. The hops here aren't really the focus. There's just enough to balance things out and give the beer a nice crisp finish.

Once again, I'm bummed Sun King doesn't distribute to Cincinnati. This flavorful beer would be a regular in my fridge. Not the biggest most daring beer. Just very very tasty. And that's the type of beer that hits the spot every time.