Monday, July 1, 2013

REVIEW: Frankenmuth Hefeweizen

Taking a bit of a break from all of the Indianapolis beers today to take a look at a brewery that is brand new to Cincinnati store shelves. And quite frankly, one that I had never even heard of before. Frankenmuth, Michigan's eponymous Frankenmuth Brewery and their 5.2% ABV 13 IBU German style hefeweizen. Which is a style that I certainly don't check out often enough. To the beer!

Frankenmuth's hefeweizen pours a hazed over golden yellow topped by a finger of white head that didn't feel like hanging around very long. 

The aromas here are classic hefeweizen. Banana, clove, slightly spicy, with a bit o lemon, and some grassy/ herbal hops. Nothing out of the ordinary, but still nice. 

So far this beer hasn't really blown the doors off or surprised me in any way. The appearance and the aroma are both just what I expect when I open a bottle of hefeweizen. The taste is more of the same. It's light in body with a nice round creamy mouthfeel. A prickly spiciness hits up at the tip of the tongue at the beginning of the sip. Flavors of banana, clove, and light bubblegum follow before a crisp, citrusy, lemony bite on the finish. 

I fear all of my run of the mill this and typical that talk may have made it sound like I didn't enjoy this beer. Quite the opposite really! Every so often a good classic German style hefeweizen is exactly what hits the spot. If you're a fan of beers like Weihenstephaner or Franziskaner I can't imagine that you would fail to find a whole lot to enjoy here. 


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