Monday, June 24, 2013

REVIEW: Boulevard Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale

So I recently found myself in Indianapolis again visiting friends. And what do I do when in a new city? Make my way to the best liquor store in town and spend too much money on beers that I can't get at home. You may remember that the last time I was in Indy I came home with a bottle of Boulevard's Double-Wide. An excellent double IPA and my first ever beer from the venerable Kansas City brewer. This weekend I made sure to grab another of their brews and found myself drawn to the bottle you see above. Tank 7, an 8.5% ABV 38 IBU saison. To the beer!

Tank 7 pours a light pale gold in color. Effervescent bubbles of carbonation rise through the beer and feed into a tall, frothy, finely bubbled layer of foam. The head is incredibly resilient, persisting down to the final sip and lacing magnificently. 

The aromas here are classic farmhouse ale, earthy and grassy with fruity notes of banana and lemon alongside a spicy, peppery, yeasty character. Simple but very nice. 

The luxuriousness of the head provided some hint at the creamy carbonation of the beer. All of those suspicions are confirmed when at first sip I'm greeted by a wonderful velvety creaminess that leads into light but abundant fruity flavors of lemon, grapefruit, pear, and banana. After the fruit comes a peppery spicy bite. It finishes dry with a nice lingering bitterness. 

You know? I think these dudes at Boulevard have a pretty good idea of what they're doing. Tank 7 is terrific. Fruity, complex, spicy, balanced, and eminently drinkable. There's not one hint at the 8.5% ABV. This is one of the most approachable beers of this style I've come across. Seriously good stuff. 


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