Friday, June 21, 2013

REVIEW: Anderson Valley Belk's ESB

I've had this beer in the fridge for a couple of weeks. I knew I would get to it sooner or later but the decision was made for me when I snagged that awesome glass you see up there. I'm a fan of Anderson Valley and I always dig an ESB. Let's dispense with the pleasantries and just get right down to it. To the beer!

Belk's ESB pours a hazed over orange amber in color with some darker brown tones tucked underneath the tall, frothy, loosely bubbled layer of bright white foam. As the head recedes it leaves spotty lacing.

On the nose I first pick up malty notes of bready, lightly toasty caramel. It's a bit biscuity as well. There's a slight floral note alongside a very interesting fruitiness. Subtle hints of orange, berry, and a touch of apple make for a very interesting set of aromas.

The interesting doesn't quit after the aromas. The beer is light to medium in body and leads with fruity flavors that mimic the nose. Notes of apple, pear and berry mingle with floral, herbal hop flavors and a lightly sweet caramel malt. It finishes with a bit more sweetness before a nice crisp bite.

Belk's ESB is one of the most interesting ESBs that I think I've ever had. very light and delicate in flavor while possessing a very unique and subtle complexity. You would do well to give a bottle of this a look if you find one.


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