Monday, May 28, 2012

REVIEW: Sun King/ Oskar Blues Chaka

Well, this is the end of the Sun King, at least for now. But we're going out with a good one. A Belgian Style collaboration ale from Sun King and Oskar Blues. Oskar Blues is probably the brewery that I am most disappointed does not distribute to Ohio. Their Dale's Pale Ale and Mama's Little Yella Pils are both tremendous beers that I wish I could get more often. But for now I'll just have to settle for this. I'm always excited to see what concoctions emerge from collaborations between talented beers. This beer is also notable for the type of can it's contained in. Oskar Blues and Sun King both can all of their beers but this is the first time either brewery has used this 16 oz resealable can. It's similar to what you may ahve seen being used by Miller Lite or Coors Light. I think it's a safe bet that the beer contained in this can will be quite a bit more tasty than those two. Let's find out. To the beer!

Chaka pours a deep purplish red, very rich looking. it's capped by a modest layer of off white head of densely packed bubbles. One thing I noticed about this can is that you have to pour the beer awfully vigorously to get a decent head. With a traditional can or bottle, the simple act of pouring agitates and aerates the beer fairly easily. The mouth on this can is so wide though, that it pours out without really getting stirred up. It makes getting a perfect pour a little bit more challenging.

The aromas on this beer are all very Belgian. Very zesty and yeasty. Notes of clove with some light fruitiness, some cherry and possibly a bit of banana. Nice and complex.

The flavors on Chaka surprised me. This is a bigger bodied and much creamier beer than I anticipated. While the enjoyable body makes itself known immediately, individual flavors are a bit harder to suss out. Everything is folded together with a subtle hand. The dark caramelly malt flavor comes up first. It's followed by a very zesty/ spicy flavor from the yeast. There's only a slight hint at the 8% ABV with a bit of pleasant warming on the throat. Chaka also possesses a really interesting fruitiness. A really nice mix of tart and sweet flavors. Pear, granny smith apple, and cherry notes all mix together. Very complex interesting stuff going on here. Finally the beer finishes very dry and tart. That character mixes with the lingering hop bitterness for a very distinct finish.

Chaka is one hell of a complex and tasty beer. It certainly isn't cheap, but it's definitely worth checking out. Especially if you're into the Belgian styles.

I'm bummed to be out of all of my Sun King. This, however, will absolutely not be the last you see of their beers on this blog. I'm going to need to head to Indianapolis some time soon for more.

Also, on a more serious note: The only reason I can sit here and tell all you what I think about craft beer is because of the courage, valor, and sacrifice of countless, soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines. Thank you to each and every one of you. Happy Memorial Day.


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