Wednesday, May 30, 2012

REVIEW: Laughing Dog Alpha Dog

Today's beer comes from a recommendation from my brother, Cart. We were talking beer recently, as we often do, and I asked him what good beers he had had lately. This one was at the top of his list. He compared it to Avery's Maharaja. Now when you go around comparing a beer to one of my all time favorites my curiosity is piqued. So the last time I went to Jungle Jim's I grabbed a bomber. To the beer!
Alpha Dog pours an ever so slightly golden yellow that morphs to a burnished gold toward the middle of the glass. It's capped by a huge layer of rocky bright white head. Tons of effervescent bubbles stream up toward the surface and contribute to some gorgeous lacing. A very pretty beer indeed.

As interesting as the look of this beer is, the aroma is the opposite. Spicy hops followed by some toasted malt. Not much to write home about.

The first thing to strike me about the flavor of Alpha Dog is the body. It's far creamier than I anticipated. A caramel/ biscuity malt character lays the foundation for Alpha Dog which is quickly followed by a massive, bitter, piney, hop punch. This is a hophead's beer for sure, big and bitter. The 8.5% ABV makes itself known as it mingles with the lingering bitterness on the finish. The big carbonation that I saw earlier comes through with a bit of a prickly mouthfeel. Everything here is a little bit one note. Immense piney hops, that's about it. At this point I'm feeling a bit disappointed in Cart's recommendation. But since this is a bomber, I get two glasses full.

By the time I get to the second glass, I'm not sure if it's my palate that's adjusted or just the fact that the beer has gotten warmer, but everything seems a bit less intense. The huge bitterness has subsided a bit allowing some of the flavors to come to the forefront. Subtle floral, almost minty notes are now apparent. The beer seems much more balanced and well put together. Much more drinkable. Still kind of one note, but now pretty tasty.

Alpha Dog is no Maharaja, but it's by no means a bad beer. Cart, I was doubting you there for a minute, keep the recommendations coming.


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