Wednesday, June 19, 2013

REVIEW: Christian Moerlein Saengerfest

It's been a good long time since I've taken a look at a Moerlein beer. Today's is one of my favorites. I remember fondly getting all inebriated drinking this particular beer at my friend David's wedding. I love a wedding with good beer. In fact, the reception was at the very building depicted on this label. Anyway, Sangerfest. It's a german style maibock, one of my favorite lager styles. Let's get to it. To the beer!

Saengerfest pours a crystal clear bronze amber in color topped by two fingers of off white head that recedes pretty quickly and leaves spidery lacing.

Bready, lightly toasty malt evokes aromas of baking bread and a nice caramel character almost gives it a bit of a slight bourbony-ness. Grassy, herbal german hops add a bright spiciness and balance out the nose.

Saengerfest leads with a nice punch of carbonation that hits right at the tip of the tongue. It's got a pretty full body and a lovely creaminess. A subtly sweet robust toffee/ caramel malt is joined by a subtle roasty/ burnt flavor and just a touch of vanilla. Grassy, lightly bitter hops even things out. It finishes clean but some of those sticky toffee flavors linger a bit.

Like I said before, this is one of my favorite Moerlein beers. Full, flavorful, complex malty flavors, all in a very drinkable 6.5% ABV package. Good stuff.


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