Wednesday, April 25, 2012

REVIEW: Coronado Idiot IPA

This beer came kind of out of left field. I was at the Wine Merchant in West Chester looking for some malt and hops among all those grapes. I was looking for a bomber and I decided to take a flyer on this one. I had never seen a beer from Coronado Brewing Company. I didn't even know they existed! But I'm always game to try out an imperial IPA. So who knows what we're getting into here. To the beer!

Idiot IPA pours a hazy deep ruby red color that gorgeously fades to a clearer golden color around the edges. It's topped by a thick layer of bubbly white head which recedes slowly and leaves a good amount of lacing on the way down. My photography really isn't doing this beer justice. The way the color morphs and changes on this one is a sight to behold. Very very pretty.

As soon as this beer is poured I'm greeted by big citric floral hop aromas. The predominant note is citrusy lemon backed by some tangerine and piney aromas. A classic west coast IPA nose. Lovely. With appearance and aroma this beer is two for two and clearly in my wheelhouse.

Idiot is a big bodied beer and those big hop flavors are at the forefront from the word go. The citrusy sweet, grassy, piney hops are balanced really well by a robust bready malt character. There's also an interesting tartness that mingles with the lingering bitter finish.

This is a very hoppy beer. But it does hoppy really really well. I've had a lot of Imperial IPAs lately that were punishingly bitter. Coronado did a fantastic job of balancing all of those big hop flavors with a big sweet malt character. Add that to the fact that the 8.5%ABV is expertly hidden and you're left with an extremely flavorful and eminently drinkable Imperial IPA.

I enjoyed the hell out of this beer. I wasn't expecting much going in, owing to the fact that I know nothing of Coronado Brewing's reputation. Idiot IPA surpassed my expectations and then some. If you see this beer, check it out. You won't be disappointed.


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