Monday, April 23, 2012

REVIEW: Southern Star Bombshell Blonde

I found myself, as I often do, in the beer section of Jungle Jim's looking for something interesting. Looking for something new. The blonde ale is a beer style that I have heretofore left unexplored on the blog. Recently I was at the outstanding Country Boy Brewing in Lexington, Kentucky and had the pleasure of enjoying their Cougar Bait, a really tremendous blonde ale. Blonde ales are not usually a style that I gravitate to but Cougar Bait had me looking for more. With that in mind I found Southern Star's Bombshell Blonde. A beer I've never had from a brewery that I'm new to? With a cool can and an awesome name? I'm down. To the beer!

Bombshell Blonde pours a hazy orange color with a finger of thin white head that receded fairly quickly.

The aromas are mostly of biscuity malt with some citrusy orange like hop accents.

Bombshell Blonde is a pretty light bodied effervescent beer with a bready biscuity malt body. There's an interesting zesty citrus like hop flavor. It almost has a Belgian like quality to it. Very crisp and clean with a bit of a lingering grassy hop finish. Very Summery.

Bombshell Blonde isn't the best blonde I've ever had. It's a little unremarkable other than the Belgian like zestiness. Not the most interesting beer but it's refreshing enough to get the job done on a hot summer day.


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