Friday, April 27, 2012

REVIEW: Arcadia London-Style Porter

I found today's beer in the back of the fridge. I had honestly forgotten it was in there. I've got plenty of beers chilling waiting to be reviewed and this one sort of got lost in the shuffle. While I was looking through the fridge for something to drink for a review this long lost porter sounded pretty tasty. To the beer!

Arcadia Brewing's London-Style Porter poured a deep brown with dark ruby highlights that become evident when the beer is held to light. It's all capped off with a finger of bubbly tan foam. It receded pretty quickly and didn't leave any lacing.

The aromas on this beer are predominantly of sweet roasted malt. Notes of sweet chocolate, creamy iced coffee, and char are evident as well.

Arcadia's London-Style Porter is medium bodied and very smooth and creamy. It has a nice milk stout like sweetness. This beer is very smoky. It's the smokiest beer I've ever had that wasn't branded as such. The savory charred smoke is the predominant flavor. And the smokiness lingers well on into the finish. Underneath the smoke are flavors of dark chocolate and an earthy hop finish that hits near the end. There's a bit of alcohol warming in there as well.

I'm very surprised this wasn't labeled as a smoked porter. A beer being smoked is usually a selling point. Odd that Arcadia underplayed it. This isn't a bad beer, but I think the smoke was a bit overpowering. It really overshadowed a lot of the other flavors. A bit more balance would be beneficial here.


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