Monday, July 8, 2013

REVIEW: Stone RuinTen

So, I've got a couple more north east beers from Trey to get to, but I accidentally left those notes in Lexington, I'm a mess, I know. But I've got plenty of beers to talk about so we're all good. The beer we're looking at today is a new Imperial IPA from Stone, Ruinten. Well, I guess it's not really a new beer at all. This beer was initially released last summer as Ruination Tenth Anniversary IPA. It was so well recieved that the're bringing it back now as simply, RuinTen. I'm pretty pumped because I missed out on the Ruination Tenth Anniversary IPA the first time around. I took a look at the original Ruination last summer and liked it quite a bit. Stone bills that one as, "A liquid poem to the glory of the hop." Ruinten however, they call "A stage dive into a mosh pit of hops" I think I like where this is headed. To the beer!

RuinTen pours a quite beautiful cloudy ruddy amberish orange in color that morphs into more of a vibrant gold down towards the bottom of the glass. Atop the beer is a tall layer of sturdy, stubborn off white head.

The aromas here are probably just what you're expecting. Massive pungent notes of sticky, resinous hops. Fruity hints of grapefruit and tangerine are joined by a subtle floral hint and a bold robust toffee malt backbone.

A full bodied creaminess leads into a bitter punch right off the bat. I'm starting to get a sense of that mosh pit of hops now. Resinous, sticky hop character alongside lovely fruity flavors of lemon and tangerine. A very tasty and interesting roasty, slightly burnt toffee malt presence really serves as an anchor for all of the brash hop flavors. RuinTen is pretty well balanced and drinkable, but it does have nice assertive bitterness in spades.

Recently I've been feeling a little burnt out on IPAs. I was beginning to wonder if I could even call myself a true hop head anymore. It turns out, I was just waiting for the right beer to bring me back into the fold. RuinTen is that beer. This one's pretty special. Big, robust, brash, excellent. Check this one out.


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