Monday, July 16, 2012

REVIEW: Stone Ruination IPA

Alright, I've been doing a lot of Summer beers lately. It is Summer after all, feels appropriate. But it's time for me to get back to my wheelhouse. Stone calls this beer "A liquid poem to the glory of the hop." Now, if that doesn't sound right up my alley, I don't know what does. This is the first time I've tried this beer, but it's a beer that's been around for a while. Ten years in fact. To celebrate ten years of Ruination, Stone has just released a tenth anniversary version. Avery cool video about Ruination and it's tenth anniversary counterpart can be found here. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for a bomber of that. So how is the legendary Ruination? To the beer!

Ruination pours an ever so slightly hazy golden amber in color. A bit lighter than I was expecting, to be honest. It's capped by a good finger of bubbly off white head.

The aromas here are the first stanza of that liquid poem. Truckloads of great hop aromas. Big sweet citrus notes, tons of tropical fruits, hints of herbal piney notes. And even an almost minty aroma. Just delightful.

The hops kick you in the teeth from the word go with a big piney punch. The hops are contrasted by a medium bodied caramel, biscuity, nice and creamy malt presence. Lets be honest though, those malts don't stand a chance. Those hop flavors continue with hints of tart citrus, lemon and grapefruit. That minty note returns as well. Intriguing. There are only the slightest hints at that 7.7% ABV.

I've mentioned quite a bit how big and hoppy his beer is, but for all of that hop flavor, this beer doesn't taste nearly as bitter as I was expecting. This is one awfully drinkable imperial IPA.

Ruination is delicious and complex. If you're a hophead like me you owe it to yourself to give it a look. If you aren't? Try it anyway! It's really really good.


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