Monday, February 4, 2013

REVIEW: Revolution Bottom Up Wit

So the week before last I took a look at a few beers that are new to Ohio.  This week I'm doing the same. And while we're done with Uinta, for now, these beers are from Chicago's Revolution Brewing. And joy of joys! They're in cans! Which, to be honest, at this point, I prefer to bottles outright. Today's beer is their Bottom Up Wit. Perhaps, not the optimal beer for freezing temperatures and a few inches of snow but pitchers and catchers report in just over a week so I'm feeling a bit spring-y. Bottom up clocks in at 14 IBUs and a very sessionable 5% ABV. To the beer!

The glass I'm using for this post is pretty small, as such, I couldn't fit the whole can on the first pour. On that first pour I was surprised to be greeted by a crystal clear, pale straw yellow. Usually Witbiers pour with quite a bit of haze. After I had had a few sips and made some room, I emptied the rest of the can into the glass. At that point, once all the yeast had been stirred up I found the cloudy, hazy beer that I was expecting. It's topped by a finger of bone white head that recedes to an incredibly stubborn rim of foam that leaves terrific lacing.

The aromas on this one are all classic Witbier. Lemony citrus notes lead the way, followed quickly by hints of grassy, herbal hop. There's also bits of powdery, peppery clove and some fruity Belgian esters. Everything is very bright, very lively, and pretty lovely.

Bottom Up is light bodied with a nice creamy mouthfeel. A nice spritzy carbonation leads into fruity notes of citrusy lemon, orange, as well as a bit of pear. The fruity notes are joined by coriander/ clove spiciness and a nice tartness. Some grassy herbal hoppiness join in as well. It finishes tart and crisp.

Bottom Up Wit isn't going to knock your socks off. But it is a very tasty, simple, sessionable beer. A bit of springtime here in the dead of winter. I can't wait to grab a sixer of this once the weather warms up.


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