Monday, February 25, 2013

REVIEW: Great Divide Old Ruffian

So, ever since I wrapped things up with all of the Christmas beers I've been making it a point to check out a lot of big, hearty beers. And I've really wanted to get to some barleywines. They're a style that I enjoy, but that I don't drink too much. For one thing, they're almost always big strong beers. I checked out the page on Beer Advocate listing some of the most popular barleywines in the world, not one of them checked in below 9% ABV and many of them pushing on up to around 14 - 15%. Also, there are very few brewers that release a barleywine year round. So that is all a very long, circuitous way of saying that barleywines are not a style of beer that you could really drink all year, even if you wanted to, which you likely wouldn't. But right now, as the first signs of spring are starting to show, but the nights are still awfully cold, this is the perfect time for a barleywine. And I have been able to snag three! So here we go, barleywine week! First of we're taking a look at Od Ruffian from Great Divide, a 90 IBU, 10.2% beast. Let's get into it. To the beer!

Old Ruffian pours a beautiful crystal clear deep ruby amber. It's topped by two fingers of dense, finely bubbled off white foam that laces nicely.

This beer really needs to warm up before the aromas open up. As I first poured it I wasn't getting much of anything on the aromas. A bit of resinous hop, and not a whole lot else. But as the beer warmed things got much more interesting. The resinous hop aromas are still there and they're joined by an herbal hint and a robust toffee caramel malt. Fruity notes of currant, raisin, plum, date, along with some citrus, and almost a rum like quality with some alcoholic hints. Nice and complex.

Old Ruffian is awfully full bodied. A rich, borderline syrupy toffee malt is balanced by strong, bitter resinous herbal hop flavors. That makes up the majority of the flavors but if you dig a bit deeper there's a wealth of complexity to be unearthed. Notes of sweet candied sugar, grape, raisin, red delicious apples, and even a faint earthy, almost tobacco like quality. Citrusy flavors of orange and grapefruit liven things up as well. A bit of boozy heat comes in near the finish.

This beer is astonishingly drinkable considering how big and boozy it is. Don't get me wrong, this is not a beer you will slug right down. It is a sipper, but a delightful sipper. I enjoyed this bomber while watching the Oscars and it lasted me almost the entire show. One of the best thing about this beer was, because I took my time drinking it, as it warmed, over the evening i kept discovering new flavors, new complexities. Side note, very glad to see Jennifer Lawrence, Quentin Tarantino, Christoph Waltz, and Argo take home trophies! Check this beer out, it's pretty darn tasty. Check back Wednesday and Friday fore more barleywine goodness!


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