Wednesday, January 9, 2013

REVIEW: Hudepohl Classic Porter

Right up front, I have to give you guys a disclaimer. I have been fighting off a bit of a cold lately and am a bit stopped up. So my senses may not be up to their usual acuity. Sorry if this review suffers at all as a result. All right, that's out of the way. Today's beer is the newest offering from Hudepohl. I'm excited to see them trying these seasonal releases, I enjoy their Festival Bock, and for the price, their Summer Pils isn't half bad either. I'm a big fan of a good porter so I'm excited to see what's in store with their Classic Porter. To the beer!
Classic Porter pours a fairly clear deep reddish brown. It's topped by a bubbly layer off tan head that recedes fairly quickly and leaves some spotty lacing.

Malty caramel and molasses notes leads the way here. They're followed by a bit of mild chocolate and some very faint hints of coffee.

Classic Porter is quite light in body with a pretty generous level of carbonation. Toasty coffee and caramel notes are evident first. There's a bit of chocolate flavor, but not much in the way of roastiness. it's a bit on the sweet side, but still pretty well balanced. It's very drinkable and finishes very clean.

This isn't really what I look for in a porter. A bit lighter, and not quite as roasty as the porters that I really enjoy, but it's not a bad beer. It's enjoyable enough. It is fairly inexpensive, but if you're looking for a good porter, I would recommend other beers.


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