Friday, July 13, 2012

REVIEW: Hudepohl Summer Pils

I'm wrapping up my little week of Summer seasonals. Today's offering comes from Cincinnati's Hudepohl. I'm familiar with Hudepohl's amber lager, a beer that I quite enjoy. Think Yuengling Lager but better if you've never had it. The Summer Pils is new though. It was brewed specifically for this weekend's Bunbury Music Festival (which I will unfortunately not be able to attend due to the fact that I am flat ass broke, sounds like it should be pretty rad though. Same goes for this weekend's Beer Bloggers Conference in Indianapolis.) but I've seen it popping up at different bars and liquor stores around Cincinnati. How's it stack up to the rest of the Summer beers I've had lately? Let's find out. To the beer!

The Hudy Summer Pils pours a crystal clear quite pale yellow in color. It's topped off with two fingers of frothy bright white head. Kind of standard for a pilsener but pretty nonetheless.

The aromas are pretty light. Sweet grain backed by slight notes of grassy hop character.

A sharp bite from the carbonation hits up front. It gives way to a much smoother and creamier body than I was expecting. Sweet bready malt forms the backbone. It's contrasted by a light, grassy, slightly herbal hop character. The hops are enough to give a nice crisp finish and leave a light lingering bitterness.

This isn't the best pilsner I've ever had, but it's not a bad little beer at all. Plus the price is right. Hudepohl's Summer Pils is quite drinkable and very refreshing. A worthy addition to the summer line up.


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