Wednesday, December 26, 2012

REVIEW: Country Boy 3 Hos

Another Christmas post! So this morning's beer was somewhat of a disappointment. But Christmas presents are like that sometimes. Sometimes a gift doesn't fit, sometimes it's the wrong color, sometimes it's just downright lame. I can assure you that this beer is the exact opposite. I was in Lexington last weekend and made it a point to make a trip to Country Boy's tap room. I had read on twitter that they had recently released their. new Christmas ale, and knowing that it would likely make for a good post for the blog, i brought my growler along. I know i've said it before, but if you go to Lexington and leave without checking out Country Boy then you are a damn fool. Every time I go in there I am incredibly impressed by the quality and creativity of their beers. And as you will soon see, 3 Hos is no exception. To the beer!

3 Hos pours a pretty hazy golden red, quite a bit lighter in color than the typical spiced winter ale. It's topped by a tall layer of dense, rocky, off white head.

Hints of ginger are the first aromas to make themselves known. They are quickly followed up by a great citrusy orange/ cranberry fruitiness. A strong molasses and toffee lays down the backbone along with a faint booziness that reminds you that isn't some light, delicate beer.

3 Hos is medium to full bodied with a very lively, almost spritzy carbonation. That carbonation leads into a great fruity blast. Spicy citrusy orange, fig, plum, raisin, and candied sugar all combine to create an almost fruitcake like character. But in the best possible way. A malty sweet molasses backbone sits underneath all of that fruitiness. This beer is extremely drinkable, none of that booziness that I detected on the nose is anywhere to be found in the flavor. More fruity bitterness comes in on the finish, balances things out, and lingering on through the finish.

This beer is terrific. If today's first beer was like getting socks for Christmas then 3 Hos is like getting video games. Fruity, robust, and extremely drinkable. I'm not sure if this beer is still available at Country Boy's tap room. If it is, grab one. If not, I'm positive you'll be able to find something else delicious on draft.


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