Wednesday, December 26, 2012

REVIEW: Affligem Noël

Well, here we are. The last of the Christmas beers. This has been a whole lot of fun. I'll be sad to see them go. But that's half of the magic of Christmas, it's always over before you're ready to be over, At least I'm going out with an interesting one, Affligem N oël, A Belgian style Strong Dark Ale. I don't know the first thing about this beer, but going from a complete judging-a-book-by-it's-cover type place, I'm pretty excited. To the beer!

Affligem Noël pours a deep, well filtered, ruby red in color. It's capped by a thin finger of of dense tan head that recedes pretty quickly but remains as a persistent rim.

there's tons of dry fruity complexity going on here: red grape, plum, pear, and fig. All that Fruitiness is backed by a powdery molasses character. There's a very faint but interesting red wine like character going on here too.

Affligem N oël is medium bodied with an incredible creaminess. A lively, powdery carbonation leads into a dry fruitiness with notes of plum, fig, pear, and also a nice resiny cinnamon note. It's very smooth, and for as robust as it is, very drinkable. Not much going on in the way of booziness but it does yeald a pretty nice buzz.

Well, that's it for the Christmas beers this year, and I certainly did pick a good one to go out on: Complex, fruity, interesting, and most importantly tasty. I hope everybody has a great Christmas. I know I sure did.


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