Wednesday, June 5, 2013

REVIEW: Three Floyds Rabbid Rabbit

It's been a while since I've ventured into the beers of Three Floyds. I really dig their stuff, but it seems like it's a rare day when I spot many of their brews gracing the shelves of my local liquor store or bottle shop. So when I recently saw this bottle I snapped it up. A saison brewed with chamomile and rock candy. Sounds tasty! To the beer!

Rabbid Rabbit, which I really want to call Raving Rabbit every time, (probably because of that Rayman game) pours a hazed over pale brassy gold. There are some amber, golden, reddish highlights in there underneath a meager finger of white head that recedes pretty quickly.

Grassy herbal hop aromas are contrasted by a lemony citrusy sweetness. I'm kind of struggling to put my finger on it, but there's something intriguing going on here. It's very subtle, perhaps it's from that chamomile and rock candy?

Rabbid Rabbit is medium in body. Much more robust, full, and hearty than I ever expect to see from a saison. Yet at the same time it still has a refreshing, spritzy, effervescent quality to it. A creamy frothy round sweetness leads into fruity flavors of lemon, white grape, and a bit of watermelon. the fruitiness gives way to an herbal bitterness and a sharp green apple tartness. There's a bit of a peppery spiciness that becomes evident before the flavor swings back around to sweet before the finish.

This is one of the more interesting saisons that I've ever had. Much bigger and heartier than I expect from the style, but still posessing of that trademark delicate fruitiness. If you're like me and enjoy seeing traditional style guidelines turned on their ear, or are just looking for a damn tasty beer, give this one a shot.


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