Monday, April 1, 2013

REVIEW: Evil Twin The Talented Mr. Orangutan

So, let's be honest with ourselves. Beer is the last thing on anybody's mind today is beer, unless that beer is being enjoyed in the Moon Deck. But I've still got a to put a post up today, and since I lacked the foresight to talk about anything baseball or Cincinnati related we're going with something completely different. I found myself at the Party Source the other day and I found myself drawn to some of the odder European brews. This one absolutely jumped off the shelves. An orangutan! I mean come on! I love apes. But anyway, Evil Twin is a gypsy brewery, much in the same vein as Mikkeller, who we've looked at a few times on here. And The Talented Mr. Orangutan (What a fabulous name, right?) is an orange stout. Sounds intriguing enough for me. To the beer!

The Talented Mr. Orangutan pours a deep, opaque not quite black. More of a dark, slightly reddish, brown. It's topped by two fingers of mocha colored head.

Aromas of roasty dark malt lend hints of dark chocolate and a faint coffee presence. There's a brightness in there as well that hints at the citrusy undertones. Subtle, but kind of intriguing.

The Talented Mr. Orangutan is medium bodied with a bit of a milk stout like sweetness. Powdery roasty dark chocolate flavors are contrasted by a bright, tart, acidic citric sharpness. The orange flavors never manifest in the same way as they do in A big American IPA. You can really taste the difference between hop derived citrus flavors and what's going on here. Very juicy, almost fresh. It finishes dry and tart.

This is one damn interesting stout. The addition of the orange, takes what would've probably been a pretty unremarkable beer into a fascinating interplay of dark roasty chocolate and bright, fresh citrus. Really quite tasty!

Let's go Reds!


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