Monday, December 3, 2012

REVIEW: Southern Tier 2XMAS

Fist things first. Sorry today's post is going up so late. I had planned on posting this review this morning but internet connectivity issues reared their ugly heads. But better late than never, right? Also, today's post is pretty cool so it ought to make up for the lateness. I've been looking at a lot of Christmas beers lately, Winter warmers, old ales and the like. It seems that the vast majority of Winter ales are all slight variations on a certain theme. Southern Tier has decided to go a bit of a different way with this one. Their Christmas ale, 2XMAS, is a beer brewed to be reminiscent of a Swedish Glögg. A Glögg is a mulled wine made with spices and citrus. Now, obviously 2XMAS isn't a wine, it's a beer but it is brewed using some of those traditional Swedish Glögg ingredients. 2XMAS is brewed with figs, orange peel, cardamom, ginger root, cinnamon, and clove. Sounds like it ought to be pretty interesting. To the beer!

2XMAS pours a stunningly pretty crystal clear deep ruby red. Fiery scarlet highlights are revealed when the beer is held up to light. A finger of dense tan head recedes fairly quickly but persists as a resilient rim above the beer.

The aromas here are very malt forward. Dark toffee sweetness with hints of spice and a very nice dark fruity character. There is also a very faint rum-like booziness.

2XMAS is very smooth with a lighter body than I was expecting. Not to say that this beer is insubstantial, but I thought I was in for a big hearty, chewy, beast of a beer. Just like on the nose, the flavor is very much malt forward. A dry, slightly tart biscuity toffee malt flavor paves the way. The orange peel adds a lovely, sweet, zesty, citrus note. Great subtle fruitiness adds a fullness and a wonderful complexity. Seasonal spices and an herbal, earthy hop character balance things out. The beer finishes dry with an enjoyable mild warming sensation.

I'm glad to see Southern Tier going outside of the ordinary with 2XMAS. I had no idea what I was in for with a beer inspired by a Swedish Glögg. I'm delighted to report that I enjoyed the hell out of it. Dry, complex, and fruity. I love winter warmers, that much should be clear. But it's great to see a brewer take a chance like this with different, weird styles.


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