Friday, August 17, 2012

REVIEW: Christian Moerlein Exposition Vienna Lager

Today's beer is one of the newer brews from Christian Moerlein, a Vienna lager. A german style of beer. Vienna lager is a style of beer that you may not be familiar with, at least by this name. It may be more well known by the name Boston Lager. Yup, you learn something new every day. I had no idea what the actual style of one of the grandfathers of craft beer was. So now that we're all acquainted with the Vienna lager and we know what we're getting into with this new Moerlein beer we can get down to business. To the beer!

Exposition pours a delicious looking clear coppery amber in color. It's capped by a fairly resilient layer of bright white foam.

The aromas on this beer are pretty great. Toasted malt mingles with caramel and biscuity notes. There are also hints at a nice herbal, floral, slightly grassy hop character.

Exposition is a lager that definitely skews to the malt side of the spectrum. Smooth toasty caramel malts lead the way. It's got a nice creaminess to the body which leads into a nice herbal hop bite. It finishes clean and crisp.

Moerlein's exposition lager is by no means some exotic beer. But it is very very tasty. And there's nothing wrong with that. Sometimes you don't want some big, wild, complex, out there beer. Sometimes you just want a rich tasty lager. And on those occasions, this beer will do the trick.


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