Monday, August 20, 2012

REVIEW: Avery Nineteen

Right off the bat. I must apologize for the lateness of today's post. Time sort of got away from me this morning and I ran out of time to write today's post before work. So, sorry about that. But better late than never, right? Today's beer is Avery Brewing's Nineteenth anniversary ale. I looked at the dry hopped rye saison that they brewed in celebration of their eighteenth year a few months ago. You can check that one out here. I'm a big fan of Avery and I'm always excited to check out new special brews from them. This one is a Belgian style tripel. To the beer!

Nineteen pours a hazed over vibrant golden yellow, almost lemonade like. It's capped by a layer of bright white head that laces pretty nicely.

The aromas are very fruity on this beer. Hints of lemon and banana, dry, powdery, and sweet. All led by the Belgian yeast.

Nineteen comes out swinging with tons of tart fruity flavors. Hints of lemon, grapefruit, pear, and granny smith apple mingle together for a very complex fruit character. It's medium bodied and very smooth. Nineteen finishes nice and dry with a tasty perppery note. There's a very pleasant mild bitterness throughout. Nothing harsh, but just enough to balance out those sweet fruity flavors.

Avery's Nineteen is a very traditional, very tasty Belgian style tripel. Lots of yeast driven, fruity, flavors. If you dig on the Belgian style beers, you will certainly enjoy this one.


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