Monday, July 9, 2012

REVIEW: New Holland Golden Cap

OK, back to your regularly scheduled programming here at QCBN. I know I'm a broken record at this point, but yes, it's been incredibly hot. We've had high temperatures here in Cincinnati that haven't been seen since the thirties. All of this is making the thought of drinking stouts and porters more and more unpalatable and steering me more toward summer seasonals. Today's beer is a summer seasonal from New Holland Brewing in New Holland, Michigan. The beer is a saison, sometimes known as a farmhouse ale, which is a light, crisp, dry belgian style ale. Perfectly suited for summertime drinking. Plus, flying monkey on the label! To the beer!

Golden Cap pours c crystal clear straw colored pale yellow. As you can see in the photo there's a ton of effervescent bubbles streaming towards the surface feeding into that huge rocky white head. That foam left a bit of lovely chunky lacing.

The aromas are fruity and spicy. Big Belgian yeast notes. Bits of banana, grapefruit, and clove. And even a peppery sort of aroma.

Golden Cap is pretty light bodied and very spritzy and refreshing. Right off the bat it's shaping up as a great summer beer. A very smooth subtle malt character leads into a spicy peppery quality which then gives way to a tart citrusy note. The finish is dry and tart, but not particularly bitter. And yet it still really lingers with tart grassy herbal flavors.

In this weather we've been having lately with temperatures reaching well over 100ยบ this beer hit the spot perfectly. Interesting, complex, drinkable, and very refreshing. Well worth checking out to beat the heat.


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