Friday, May 18, 2012

REVIEW: North Peak Vicious American Wheat IPA

Here's another interesting one folks. If you've been reading this blog for any time, you know I love the IPAs. You may have also noticed that I haven't featured any wheat beers, if any. Not that I don't enjoy them, they just aren't my favorite. They are good summer beers though. And with the weather in Cincinnati getting nicer and nicer, I figure it's time to break out some wheat ales. And what better way to get into wheat beers on the blog than with a wheat IPA. And how awesome is that stubby little bottle? To the beer!

Vicious pours a a clear coppery red with golden highlights. My photo on this really doesn't do it justice.  Everything came out very dark. It's actually a very brilliantly colored, very pretty beer. Everything is capped off by thick layer of off white head. Very inviting.

The aromas on this beer are quite nice. Big fruity hop notes, bits of tangerine and grapefruit. There's also a bit of a floral character on the nose. It's all backed by a slight crackery malt.

This is definitely one of the more interesting IPAs I've had. Medium bodied with a nice dry biscuity malt. Lots of tart grapefruit flavor. This beer is really well balanced. All of the flavors are big but everything works together in concert. The lingering hop bitterness is very enjoyable, not overpowering. The mouthfeel on this beer is powdery, dry, almost Belgian like. The tart flavor is really the showcase here.

I feel like I've used this word a lot in this review, interesting. This is not your run of the mill IPA, nor is it your run of the mill wheat beer. The outcome in combining those two is a beer that's well worth checking out.


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