Monday, April 9, 2012

REVIEW: Sixpoint Sweet Action

Cream ale. For many this style of beer is typified by beers like Little Kings and Genesee Cream Ale. Lighter macro-brews brewed with adjuncts, workmanlike, nothing really to write home about. Seeing a craft brewer take on this style though, that's something I'd like to check out. Enter Sixpoint's Sweet Action. Checking in at 5.2% ABV and 34 IBUs. To the beer!

Sweet Action pours a hazy, particualte-laden, orange yellow color capped by a thin layer of white head.

The hops take center stage on the aroma with enticing citric and floral notes. It's backed by a cracker like malt character.

Sweet Action is a lightish beer with a very nice creamy body. The oily herbal hop presence and lovely crispness make for an incredibly refreshing beer. The individual flavors are a bit hard to pin down on this one. Not that there's nothing going on, not at all. This is a very flavorful beer, but everything is pretty subtle, all of the flavors mix and meld into a tasty interesting package. There's a nice spiciness there as well as a light and pleasant fruity sweetness. It's also the slightest bit tart on the finish. Perhaps some peach and grapefruit notes. But like i said before, all very subtle.

I enjoyed the hell out of this beer. Light, refreshing, complex, flavorful, fairly sessionable. This is a beer that I will absolutely come back to. The light fruitiness and refreshing hoppiness would make Sweet Action a fantastic beer Summertime day drinker. Check this one out folks.


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