Wednesday, April 4, 2012

REVIEW: Great Crescent Coconut Porter

I'm keeping the local beer coming. This one isn't a Cincinnati beer, but it is from just down the road in Aurora Indiana. They're fairly new and I've been hearing about them for the last few months. I was at The Party Source recently and saw a bunch of their 4 packs. Naturally I had to go for the coconut porter. Intriguing right? To the beer!

The coconut porter pours a very dark brown with a thick, bubbly, tan head.

The aromas are fairly subtle. Notes of roasty coffee are at the forefront backed by a nice oat like sweetness.

This is a fairly light bodied porter. Not thin at all, but very drinkable. The predominant flavors are roasted malts. Those flavors are supported by some nice coffee and semisweet chocolate notes. The coconut porter is very smooth but with a nice crispness imparted by the decent hop presence.

This is a really nice porter. The only disappointment though is the coconut, or really more accurately, the lack thereof. It was kind of a non factor. I was expecting and hoping for a much more assertive coconut flavor and aroma. Instead the coconut seems to just impart a mild sweetness. This isn't a bad beer by any stretch. I very much enjoyed it! But if you go in looking for a beer with an interesting coconut flavor profile, you might be a bit disappointed.

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