Monday, April 2, 2012

REVIEW: Christian Moerlein Friend of an Irishman

I'm making up for lost time. My second Cincinnati beer in as many posts. This time from, what is probably the most famous brewery in Cincinnati, Christian Moerlein. Moerlein makes great beer. Their OTR is one of my favorite pale ales in the world. I talked about their Emancipator Doppelbock way back in my post on Pretzelfest, another really good beer. Today's beer is Friend of an Irishman Brewer's Stout. Somehow, I've never had this beer. Not sure how I missed it. One an interesting side-note on Christian Moerlein beers. My illustration professor at Mt. St. Joseph, Jim Effler, painted all of the labels for Moerlein's beers. I got a chance to see a couple of the paintings in person. Very cool. To the beer!

Friend of an Irishman pours a very deep brown color, nearly black, with the slightest reddish highlights when held up to the light. The beer is capped off by a thin off white head.

The first aromas that come to the forefront with this beer are of iced coffee. It's backed by some very faint hints of baker's chocolate. Roasty, creamy, not quite sweet, a very nice set of aromas.

Friend of an Irishman is a mid-light bodied beer. It's very smooth, very Guinness like. The smoothness is balanced out by a nice, crisp, bitter, hop finish. There are some great toasty, burnt, charred flavors along with some hints of roasted coffee. This is a very easy drinking beer. I could see myself easily downing a six pack of this beer.

This is a very very good dry Irish Stout. It still has that light creamy smoothness. But it's quite a bit more flavorful than a beer like Guinness, the most famous example of the style. I would absolutely love to have this on Nitro. I wish I had had some of this on St. Patrick's day. I'm a few weeks late with this one. I bet combining this with a Moerlein Lager House Helles Lager would make for a dynamite black and tan. I'll have to keep that in mind for next year.


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