Friday, March 23, 2012

REVIEW: Goose Island Demolition

I've talked about Belgian beers on the blog before. Mostly about my trepidation in reviewing them. I don't know a ton about these Belgian styles, but I do quite enjoy the Belgian style beers from Goose Island. You may have had Sofie, Matilda, Fleur, or Pere Jaques. They are just a few of their very tasty Belgian style offerings. All of them are worth checking out. So that gave me a bit of hope that this other Belgian style ale would be just as good. Also, I had read online that Demolition had been discontinued. So when I saw this bottle at my local Kroger's I knew I had to grab it. Who knows if i'd get the chance again? To the beer!

Demolition pours a bright, slightly hazy, golden color. It's capped with a thick white head that leaves decent lacing. A thin stream of bubbles rises from the bottom of the glass hinting at the effervescent carbonation in the beer

The first aromas to come to the forefront are the spicy Belgian yeasts. Followed by some very nice fruity notes, citrusy orange with some banana along there as well. Also there are some slightly bready notes.

Demolition is a lightish bodied beer with a very tart finish. The Belgian spiciness mixes very well with a wheat like creamy citrus presence. Orange peel and coriander notes add some nice complexity. There is a nice bright, bitter hop presence comes out midway through but gets cancelled out by that tart finish. Also, for a beer that clocks in at 7.2% ABV it isn't very boozy. Those alcohol flavors and warming are very muted.

This was a very enjoyable Belgian ale. If you like beers from Goose Island like Sofie and Matilda I can't see any reason why you wouldn't dig this one as well. Best of luck finding it though!


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