Monday, March 26, 2012

REVIEW: Epic/ DC Brau Fermentation Without Representation

Lots going on with today's beer! First of all it's a collaboration beer, and a collaboration between two breweries that I have never had a beer from. Salt Lake City's Epic Brewing and DC Brau out of Washington DC. I always keep an eye out for collaboration beers. You don't often see collaboration pilseners or collaboration pale ales. Collaborations are chances for brewers to try something they normally might not. This one is no exception. It is an imperial pumpkin porter. Now I know, pumpkin beers are wildly out of season. But I just found this one at Jungle Jim's, I love drinking them, and it's my blog. If I want to review a pumpkin ale in March, there's nobody that's going to tell me not to. To the beer!

This beer pours very dark. A deep deep brown, almost black, with the slightest red accents when it's held to light. It's all capped off with a nice layer of tan head. All in all a very pretty beer.

The aromas on Fermentation Without Representation are fairly subdued. The pumpkin is there, but not in the way you might expect. Most pumpkin beers go for one of two options, pumpkin spice, or trying to replicate pumpkin pie. This one goes another way. The aromas here are of actual the pumpkin gourd. Think the aromas you get when pulling the guts out of a jack 'o lantern. Very interesting.

This is a nice medium bodied beer that finishes very clean. The usual porter flavors of espresso and chocolate are there but they are pretty subtle. The pumpkin is subtle as well. There are some spices as well. Notes of vanilla and nutmeg accent the porter and pumkin flavors very well. A nice hop presence balances everything out and leaves a slight lingering bitterness. This is a very drinkable beer.

I think the name of the game with this beer is subtlety. When I saw imperial pumpkin porter I was expecting something much more bombastic. I was instead presented with a really measured and thoughtful approach. None of the ingredients bashed you over the head and said, "Hey, look at me!" They all worked beautifully in concert. The porter base was very tasty, the pumpkin and spices enhanced it and the hops enhanced that. Add to that a fairly unique approach to a pumpkin beer and you're left with a pretty subtle, balanced, and special brew. If you see this on the shelf do not hesitate to grab a couple of bottles. I know I will be taking note of any beers I see from Epic and DC Brau from now on.


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