Friday, January 18, 2013

REVIEW: Stony Lukcy Basartd

So, many of you have probably had Stone's Arrogant Bastard. I cooked with it once. And you've probably had the Oaked Arrogant Bastard. I paired that one with food. There's even a chance that you've had the Double Bastard. All three of those beers are pretty tremendous. Today's beer is all of those beers at once, and something completely different at the same time. Lukcy Basartd is a blend of all three and A beer that I've been looking to try for some time now. I was able to snag a bottle at Dutch's and now I get to share my thoughts on it with you fine, respectable folks. To the beer!

Lukcy Basartd pours a beautifully clear deep scarlet in color. It's topped by a hefty layer of sturdy rocky  light khaki colored head.

Oh, man. The hops. Big beautiful aromatic hops are on full display here. In fact, it's a set of aromas that it's been too long since I've enjoyed. Huge resiny, oily slightly piney notes pop right out of the glass. They are accompanied by quite a bit of fruit. Hints of lemon, grapefruit, and some pineapple. There's also a faint minty hint. It's all backed by a hearty toffee malt backbone.

Lukcy Basartd is very full bodied with a great creamy texture. Lovely rich resiny hop flavors mingle beautifully with a hearty toffee malt character. Adding complexity are flavors of caramel, vanilla, and a woody earthy bit. It's awfully drinkable for as big and bombastic as this beer is. A bit of a boozy warming is evident, but nothing harsh. A good strong bitterness comes out and lingers through the finish. '

If you like all of Stone's other Bastard beers I can't imagine why you wouldn't get a huge kick out of this one. I do, and I did. This beer possesses a great sweet complexity in addition to all of the flavorful hoppiness. This one's worth checking out.


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