Monday, December 24, 2012

REVIEW: Samuel Adams Merry Mischief

Merry Christmas Eve, folks! The season of Christmas beers is almost at an end but not quite yet. And I'm going out with a cool one. This one was actually the first Christmas beer I bought this year. It was back in like October. That's no time to be drinking a Christmas ale, but my fondness for Sam Adams' limited releases ought to be well documented by now. And a gingerbread stout?? Come on! How am I not going to buy that? Also, I like to see a Christmas ale full of seasonal spices built on top of a big hearty stout. I'm excited about this one. To the beer!
Merry Mischief pours an inky, opaque pitch black. It's topped by a thick layer of resilient mocha colored head that leaves some damned gorgeous lacing. To many this beer might look intimidating, but to me it couldn't look more inviting. It's been far too long since I've had a stout.

The aromas on this one are just lovely. Tons of seasonal spice notes burst out of the glass. Cinnamon, nutmeg, plenty of ginger obviously, and an interesting peppery clove hint. It's slightly boozy with some roasty dark chocolate hints. It's all backed by a nice underlying sweetness.

Merry Mischief is rich, full bodied and very smooth. A creamy, velvety chocolate flavor comes out swinging first. Followed up quickly by lots of those seasonal spices. Cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg liven things up and are joined by exactly the right kind of alcohol warming sensation. It makes everything feel very hearty. There's a great full, round sweetness of chocolate, molasses, and even some fruit, that ties everything together. Lest you think that things are getting overly sweet, a lovely roasty coffee bitterness comes out on the finish.

This beer is lovely. Sam Adams continues to impress. This beer feels very festive. All that sweetness and spiciness. If you can snag a bottle or two of this while out doing your last minute shopping I highly recommend it. I hope you all have a great Christmas, and just a small tip for all of you. You're going to want to check back here on the blog tomorrow. I might have a special present for you, my dear readers. Hell, I might even have a few! Merry Christmas!!


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