Friday, December 28, 2012

REVIEW: Bell's Expedition Stout

While the Sixpoint Diesel I had yesterday sure did hit the spot, It did not quite sate my thirst for stouts. Although, I strongly doubt that could ever happen. I don't think I will ever get to a point where I say, "you know, I think I've had enough stouts." But it is finally legitimately the season for stouts. There's a couple of inches of snow on the ground and we're supposed to get more on Saturday. This weather demands a hearty beer that will stick to your ribs. Enter Bell's Expedition Stout. A 10.5% Russian imperial stout. I can't wait. To the beer!

Expedition Stout pours a silky, inky, viscous pitch black. No light is passing through this bad boy, completely opaque. It's topped by a layer of thick, densely packed mocha colored head. It's a pretty beer, but far from my greatest pour. That may be because the head retention on a beer this high in ABV is not great, it may be due to a less than sparklingly clean glass. Whatever the reason, the pour leaves a bit to be desired.

The aromas on this beer are honestly underwhelming. Some robust coffee, a bit of subtle dark chocolate, and a bit of booziness. I'm kind of disappointed.

If the aromas left me wanting the flavors decidedly do not. Expedition stout is very full bodied and very smooth. It leads off with sweet notes of dark and milk chocolate. The sweeter notes lead into wonderful great charred, roasty, bitter coffee flavors. There's also some lovely slightly acrid, burnt smoky notes that compliment the roastiness in a great way and add fantastic complexity. Also adding to the complexity is a subtle licorice/ anise character. Expedition finishes with a great mix of sweetness and bitter charred roastiness. Just an excellent set of flavors.

Goodness, this beer tastes amazing. The level of charred, burnt, smoky, sweet flavors is absolutely delicious. If only the aromas were a bit more enjoyable this might be one of my favorite beers of all time. As it is, it's damn good. Don't get me wrong, this is absolutely a beer you should seek out. HAve a great weekend, guys!


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