Wednesday, July 4, 2012

REVIEW: Bell's Lager of the Lakes

I have no idea why it's taken me this long. I've been writing this blog for six months and I'm just now getting to my first beer from Bell's! It's shameful is what it is! But anyway, I rectify this egregious omission today. And what better way to celebrate Independence Day than enjoying a beer from one of the greatest American craft brewers? Of all of the beers from Bell's to start with, this is a bit of an odd one, for me at least. A lager. A simple, American, pale lager. I'm more familiar with Bell's big IPAs and Stouts. And the lager is kind of the domain of the big boys. The Budweisers, Millers, and Coors of the world. I started drinking craft beer because I was tired of pale lagers. But Bell's makes outstanding beers. How will this one stack up? To the beer!

Lager of the Lakes pours a straw colored crystal clear pale yellow. Tons of effervescent bubbles race toward the surface and feed into a huge rocky bright white head that leaves lovely lacing. Also, I know it's a bit ridiculous to pour a lager into a tulip, but it's a Bell's glass and I wanted to use it.

The aromas here are pretty subdued. Faint sweet graininess backed by some hints of grassy hops.

This beer is exceptionally smooth. Very clean. Very crisp. The malt builds a lightly sweet, ever so bready quality. A light herbal, slightly floral hop punch gives a crisp biter finish and nice balance. The flavors here are all light and delicate but very well put together.

Remember how I said that I started drinking craft beer because I was tired of pale lagers? Turns out I was just tired of bad pale lagers. This beer shows what a difference brewing with all malt makes. Lager of the Lakes has a depth of flavor and betrays a subtle and skillful hand that Bud, Miller, and Coors can only dream of. This is a damn good beer. If you're a corporate lager drinker go pick up a sixer of this and see what you've been missing. You'll like it. I promise.

Also folks, happy 4th! May your steaks be medium rare and your fireworks loud. God bless America!


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