Wednesday, August 7, 2013

REVIEW: Parallel 49 Gypsy Tears Ruby Ale

Almost done with the Canadian beers. Today's brew, Gypsy Tears Ruby Ale is the penultimate one. A red ale that checks in at 6% ABV. No need to dilly-dally. To the beer!

Gypsy Tears pours a very pretty, dark, slightly hazed, deep red. Ruby red highlights come out when the glass is held to light. On top of the beer is a finger of finely bubbled off white head that leaves some spotty lacing.

Subtle aromas of bright, citrusy hops lend hints of orange and tangerine. There's a touch of piney grassiness and an earthy character as well. All of those hop aromas are backed up by plenty of robust caramel and toffee and just a tiny bit of roastiness.

Gypsy Tears is light to medium in body. A good level of carbonation lends the beer a nice round creaminess. The malty flavors take the lead here with flavors of sweet caramel and toffee. Grassy, citrusy hop flavors balance things out. The beer finishes very dry, but with kind of an odd bitterness.

This beer has a bunch of really good, well balanced flavors but it just kind of peters out at the end. I wish it had a more robust lingering bitterness or even just a crisp bite. As it is now, it's just sort of there. This one's ok, not great though.


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