Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dogfish Head/ Stone/ Victory Saison du BUFF

Today's beer is a collaboration between not two, but three great breweries. Dogfish Head, Stone, and Victory got together to hatch up a recipe, and quite the interesting recipe too. Saison du BUFF (Brewers United for Freedom of Flavor) is a belgian style saison with an interesting twist, it's brewed with rosemary, sage, thyme, and parsley. The recipe was first brewed at Stone then later brewed at the other two breweries, the one I have here today is, obviously, from Dogfish Head. To the beer!

Saison du BUFF poursa slightly hazed brassy gold color. Very pretty indeed. It's capped by a billowy, frothy, bone white head that's quite resilient and leaves great lacing on the way down.

The herbs aren't quite as bold as I was expecting on the nose. It smells like a pretty standard saison actually. Grassy, earthy, haylike notes lead the way. Those are backed by citrusy lemon undertones. The herbs do make themselves known though. They manifest in a spicy, earthy complexity. So in review, not quite as bold and herbaceous as I might have been expecting, but quite enjoyable nonetheless.

Saison du BUFF is light to medium bodied with a generous level of spritzy carbonation. Tart citrusy lemon and grapefruit notes come out swinging first alongside some grassy, toasty flavors. They're quickly followed by dry, peppery flavors that come in on the finish. The herbs also come in near the end with earthy, complex almost savory flavors. The savoriness makes for a pretty fascinating contrast against the more fruity citrus notes.

Saison du BUFF is a fascinating and very tasty beer. I love to see brewers trying new and interesting beers and incorporating oddball ingredients like the herbs we see here. Although, none of that experimentation is worth a damn if the beer isn't worth drinking. I'm very happy to say that this beer definitely is. Also, as an aside, this beer would likely be a great one to pair with food.


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