Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Country Boy Jalapeno Smoked Porter Pork Tacos

So as you know from reading this blog, when we get together, my girlfriend, Meredith, and I enjoy cooking. Especially when it involves beer. She had texted me early last week about a recipe she had found that involved cooking meat in a crock pot with lager. Now that sounded pretty tasty, but I was a bit dubious as to what flavors might be imparted by a lager. I suggested we try it with something with a bit more oomph. After I grabbed the growler of Jalapeño Smoked Porter from Country Boy Brewing that I looked at on Monday, the decision as to what beer to cook with sort of made itself. Also the inclusion of the Jalapeño made making tacos out of all of this seem to be the logical choice. To the beer and food!

This meal was ridiculously easy to prepare. Seriously, anybody can do this, with ease. All we did to prepare the meat was toss a pork butt into the crock pot, toss in some salt, pepper, cumin, garlic, and a bunch of beer. We then put the crock pot on low and let it sit there for eight hours. That's it.

The slaw and rice were a bit harder, they took about five minutes each. The recipes for them can be found here.

Cilantro Lime Rice

That slaw recipe was kind of just a jumping off point. All we did for the slaw was take a bag of the pre-packaged cole slaw mix, add some diced tomatoes, a diced jalapeño, diced red onion, lime juice, and some vinegar.

Like I said, all of this was super easy. Idiot proof cooking. And it turned out really tasty. The Jalapenõ Smoked Porter from Country Boy added a spicy earthy flavor to the pork which ended up incredibly tender after all that time in the crock pot. The slaw added some great texture and complimentary flavors. Toss a little cheese on top and some rice on the side and this was one darn good meal.

Meredith wasn't quite so high on them, she enjoyed the tacos but not quite to the level that I did. Back to the drawing board to make sure that the next meal is even better, I suppose.


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