Friday, August 24, 2012

REVIEW: Heavy Seas Gold Ale

I don't really have anything interesting to say at the beginning of this post. I got a Heavy Seas sampler pack a while ago and I still have a couple of the beers sitting in the back of the fridge. The gold ale sounded pretty tasty as I sat down to write this post so it got the nod. To the beer!

Gold Ale pours true to it's name. A vibrant, crystal clear yellow gold. There's a good amount of carbonation rising to the surface to the top feeding into what is a pretty meager head. That may be my fault, whether from an over-gentle pour, or a not so clean glass. But for whatever reason the head leaves a bit to be desired.

The aromas are led by crisp floral hops. It's backed by a light sweetness with hints at a slight bit of breadiness. While the aromas are pretty subtle they are quite nice.

I remember being a little unimpressed with this beer when I had the first couple out of the sampler pack. Maybe it's because I'm looking at it with a bit more of a critical eye (tongue?) but for whatever reason, I'm enjoying it quite a bit more. Gold ale is light and crisp. A bready, slightly sweet malt bill lays down the backbone. It's contrasted by a fairly robust hop presence. Crisp, bitter, floral and lightly herbal. The hoppiness combined with a generous carbonation leads to a very clean finish.

This beer won't knock your socks off. But it's a servicable, tasty, crisp, ale. It would make for a pretty great summer ale. It's going to be hot for a few more weeks and this beer would fit the bill quite nicely. Don't be so quick to jump into the pumpkin ales just yet!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this beer quite a bit more than I anticipated. Much better than some of the space-fillers in other sampler packs.
