Monday, August 13, 2012

REVIEW: Flat 12 Pogues's Run Porter

Today's beer is the last from my visit to Indianapolis. It's a porter from Indianapolis' own Flat 12 Beirwerks. Flat 12 is a fairly new brewery and has only just very recently begun bottling. While I was in the liquor store in Indy, looking for something I couldn't find back home, This funny little label caught my eye. And I'm always game to try a porter. To the beer!

Pogue's Run pours a silky inky black. It's almost completely opaque. You can see that tiny reddish highlight way down at the very bottom of the glass in my photograph. That was the only light that was getting through. This is one dark brew. It's capped off by a finger of bubbly mocha colored head that receeded fairly quickly.

The aromas on this beer are mainly of semi-sweet bakers chocolate and roasted espresso. There's also a slight sweetness coming off of this beer too.

This is one rich, robust, and creamy porter. It's very smooth, helped no doubt by the gentle carbonation, and has a great, almost milk stout like, sweetness to it. Lovely hints of milk and dark chocolate and creamy iced coffee. There are some great burnt/ roasty flavors going on as well. It finishes with a nice, if not all that strong lingering bitterness. It balances out some of the sweeter notes very well.

If you like a good porter as much as I do you owe it to yourself to track this beer down if you're ever in Indianapolis. Very very tasty.


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