Thursday, August 2, 2012

REVIEW: Boulevard Double-Wide IPA

A bit of a departure on the blog today, not in content, but we'll get back to that in a second. It's a departure in that I'm posting on a Thursday. I've stuck to a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule since starting the blog but today is kind of special. Today is IPA Day. Now on the one hand, I think it's kind of silly. Every other day is IPA Day as far as my beer drinking is concerned. But also, I ought to take any chance to sing the praises of my favorite beer style, the venerable India Pale. More info about IPA Day can be found here. I've even got a special IPA for the occasion. Double-Wide IPA from Kansas City's Boulevard brewing. It's a part of their Smokestack Series and instead of being capped it's corked and caged. This is another of the beers I got in my trip to Indianapolis. Sorry Cincinnati readers, this one will require a road trip for you. To the beer!

Double-Wide pours a gorgeous ruby amber color that's almost completely hazed over. It's topped off by a dense bubbly tan head. This is a pretty gorgeous presentation for an IPA. Not a color you see everyday from this style.

Resinous floral hops lead the way on the aromas. It's backed up by a nice roasty caramel malt character. There's also an ever so slightly yeasty note that likely comes from this beer having been bottle conditioned.

Double-Wide is remarkably balanced. Especially for an Imperial IPA, a style that often skews very heavily toward the hops and bitterness. The depth of flavor marks it unmistakably as an Imperial though. The creamy roasted caramel malt flavor lead the way. Oily bitter hops follow with notes of dark fruit and citrus. Notes of grapefruit, plum, and blackberry add to the complexity. Double-Wide finishes tart and dry. The bitterness on this beer is quite measured which makes it very drinkable. Also adding to the drinkablity is the fact that the 8.5% ABV is very deceptively hidden.

Double-Wide IPA is one of the more interesting Imperial IPAs I think I've ever had. Supremely balanced, fruity, complex, sweet, interesting, and most importantly, delicious. I will definitely be on the lookout for more beers from Boulevard in the future.


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