Monday, July 2, 2012

REVIEW: Heavy Seas Dubbel Cannon

I think this is the first Belgian IPA that I've reviewed for the blog. IPAs are not a Belgian style of beer so the name can be a bit misleading. Belgian IPAs combine the hoppiness of an IPA with the funky yeastiness of a Belgian ale. Often to very tasty results. Today's beer is from Heavy Seas. Brewers of the incredibly delicious and popular Loose Cannon. Dubbel Cannon is a variation on that beer. The recipes are similar, but differ slightly in the malt and hop bills. And most importantly, the yeast. Dubbel Cannon is brewed with an authentic Belgian dubbel yeast to impart all of those lovely, funky Belgian flavors. To the beer!

Dubbel Cannon pours a slightly hazy golden brown color capped by two fingers of dense white foam. Lots of bubbles stream toward the surface, hinting at a good level of carbonation.

The aromas are pretty intense on this one. The spicy, fruity, slightly funky yeast leads the way. It's backed by some hints of roasted grain and a nice bit of grassy citrusy hops.

This is a pretty big bodied beer with a dense, almost chewy mouthfeel. The malt imparts a roasty toffee like character. I'm definitely getting those Belgian dubbel like flavors from the yeast. Tart, hints of dark fruit like plum and blackberry, and a bit of a molasses like sweetness. The hop flavors kind of take a back seat here. There is a nice earthy spicy bitterness though. Dubbel Cannon finishes very tart and dry.

Dubbel Cannon is a tasty beer to be sure and a great example of how much of a part yeast plays in the flavor of the beer. But just like I said when I reviewed their Black Cannon, it's doesn't quite stack up to loose Cannon. But if you are looking to mix things up a bit, this one is well worth a look.


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