Wednesday, June 27, 2012

REVIEW: Finch's Threadless IPA

Today's beer is a collaboration, but a bit of a different collaboration than we're used to here. This one is a collaboration between Finch's Beer Company and Threadless, an online artist community and purveyors of fine graphic tees and other cool stuff. Some more info on the birth of this beer can be found here. Also, Threadless held a competition to design the can. All of the different submissions for the can art can be seen here. There's some gorgeous design work going on in there. I love the one that they chose. This can absolutely jumped off of the shelves. We know the outside of the can is getting it done. Does what's inside match the awesomeness? Let's find out. To the beer!

Threadless IPA pours a quite hazy golden yellow that morphs to a coppery orange at parts. It's topped by a finger of rocky white head that leaves a nice amount of lacing on the way down.

The aromas are very citrusy. Notes of lemon and and grapefruit. It's also backed by a bit of an oily, herbal, grassy character as well. All classic IPA aromas, very nice.

Tons of big bright flavors here. A light toasty biscuity malt body leads the way. It's medium bodied, a bit hearty, but not so much as to keep it from being a nice summer drinker. The malt also imparts a bit of a caramel flavor as well. The malt flavor gives way to a a tart, fruity, piney hop character. There's a bit of a dank earthy hop flavor tucked in there somewhere as well. It finishes with a nice bitter punch.

You know, there's a million good IPAs out there. And this one? This is one of them. Bright, citrusy, piney, and earthy. I enjoyed Threadless IPA quite a bit. I'll be on the lookout for more of Finch's offerings for sure.


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