Wednesday, April 18, 2012

REVIEW: Tallgrass Buffalo Sweat

Tallgrass is a brewery out of Manhattan, Kansas. They have only been distributed here in Ohio for about a year. Last summer I was recommended their Oasis ESB/ IPA hybrid by one of the fine folks over at Dutch's over in Hyde Park. I'm always up for trying new things so I gave it a go and I quite enjoyed it. Recently I found myself looking for some new beer and I wandered past the Tallgrass brews. How could I not leave with a four pack of a beer called Buffalo Sweat with a can that awesome. Also, speaking of which, the 16 oz. can may very well be the perfect serving size. To the beer!
Buffalo sweat pours a pretty deep black, no real highlights to speak of. It's capped by a thin finger of tan head that dissipated fairly quickly and didn't leave much in the way of lacing.

There isn't a ton going on here as far as aroma. Not entirely surprising for a beer like this but still a bit of a bummer. There are faint hints of very subtle creamy chocolate notes.

This is one smooth beer. And very sweet as well. I read on their website that Tallgrass brews Buffalo Sweat with cream sugar. That's evident, but while this beer has lots of very nice sweetness it's far from cloying. Coffee flavors are followed by roasty charred notes flavors that come out on the finish. This beer is not heavily hopped, in fact it checks in at just 20 IBU, but there is enough hop presence to give it a crisp clean character. All this adds up to a very drinkable beer.

This is far from the most flavorful intense stout you could pick up. It is tasty though, don't get me wrong. If you're looking for an easy drinking, smooth, roasty yet sweet stout there's no reason why this shouldn't be on your radar.

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