Friday, March 16, 2012

REVIEW: Sixpoint Resin

My first canned beer on the blog! I'm a little surprised it's taken this long. For many canned beer brings to mind cheap. fizzy, lagers, but in the past few years the craft beer industry has come to cans in a big way. and for good reason! Cans are much better for beer than bottles. They keep beer fresher for longer and are completely opaque. Light is one of the biggest enemies of beer and cans keep light out much better than bottles. Also, cans chill more quickly, can be taken more places, and are more easily recycled. Honestly, the only thing keeping me from endorsing canned craft beer 100% is the lack of the label to peel. But goodness, if the cans are as gorgeous as this one from Sixpoint, I think I'll manage. Sixpoint is a brewery that I have been dying to try. I have heard nothing but great things about them and they just started distributing to Ohio a couple of weeks ago. The first day they were available I headed over to Dutch's in Hyde Park and picked up a couple of four packs. First up: their brand new imperial IPA Resin. To the beer!

Sixpoint is a brewery that does social media really well. They're a great twitter follow (check that out here) and they also produce outstanding videos detailing the inspiration and process behind a lot of their beers. Check out their Resin video here.

Resin pours a dark burnt orange/ amber color. This is one dark IPA. Possibly one of the darkest I've ever seen. Outside of black IPAs of course. The whole thing is capped by a thin layer of creamy white foam. This is one inviting looking beer.

The aroma? Oh man, this is what I love about imperial IPAs. Huge resinous floral piney hop aromas. This is pure American IPA aroma turned up to 11. I could sit there with my nose in the glass for hours.

Resin has a pretty big full body. Especially for an IPA. The big hop character that was there in the aroma hasn't gone anywhere with the first sip. Big bitter oily hops. This is truly a hophead's beer. This beer clocks in at 103 IBU and I believe it. This is a very bitter beer with a long lingering finish. It is however, backed by a good sweet malt presence.

This is a big hoppy bitter bruiser of an IPA. If that sounds up your alley, you'll probably love it. If hops aren't your thing though, you might want to steer clear. I feel like I've used the word big a lot in this review. Yeah, I probably need to revisit my thesaurus, but it's true. This is a big beer. The can that it comes in is small, but the flavors within are anything but. Resin is a monument to hops. I love it.

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