Monday, March 5, 2012

Bockfest 2012

As I was sitting in Bockfest hall, enjoying a Schoenling Bock with my friend Alex we were discussing how many beer event's we'd been to in the past few months. Pretzelfest,  the Winter Beerfest, and now Bockfest. I've been to more beer related events in the past month than I have in the entire time I've been a beer drinker put together. That's not to say that the craft beer scene in Cincinnati has just recently exploded. Hell, this was the 20th anniversary year of Bockfest. Just that in the past few months I have made an effort to get out to all of these events that I've heard about for so long. It's been a hell of a lot of fun. Bockfest was no exception.

I had to work late on Friday night so unfortunately I had to miss the parade that kicks off the weekend. We headed down to Over the Rhine Saturday afternoon and headed straight to Bockfest Hall. I made straight for the beer for an Emancipator Doppelbock. Alex who made the admirable/ regrettable decision to give up alcohol for Lent had to settle for a water. In addition to great beer there were also many vendors selling antique breweriana from old Cincinnati breweries and beyond. There was some very very cool stuff. If anybody wants to buy me the sign pictured below I will love you forever.

As seems to always be the case with these things the food was provided by Mecklenburg Gardens. This time I went with a bockwurst with sauerkraut and mustard. And yes, it was delicious. The Bockfest Hall was very cool. It was, what looked to be, an old Lagering room.

After a few beers we left the Hall and headed down to Arnold's, Cincinnati's oldest tavern and a participating Bockfest Venue. I had never been to Arnold's and was excited to check it out. The place was packed when we got there and it took a long long time to get a table. But once we sat down it was clear that it was worth the wait. More tasty bock beers and a bock hot brown that didn't have much in common with the Kentucky hot brown other than they both had cheese sauce and they were both delicious. The music was courtesy of the Cincinnati Dancing Pigs. A very entertaining jug band. Very good drinking music.

Arnold's famous motorized bathtub.
Take special note of the cupholders on the mic stands.

The bock beers I had:
Christian Moerlien Emancipator Doppelbock
Schoenling Bock
Hudepohl Festival Bock
Great Lakes Doppelrock
Summit Maibock
Rivertown Bock
Bockfest was a ton of fun. Already looking forward to next years.


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