Wednesday, February 22, 2012

REVIEW: New Holland Dragon's Milk

Dragon's Milk, the official brew of House Targaryen. Hey, let it never be said that I am only a beer nerd. My nerdiness knows no bounds. Unfortunately however, (or maybe very fortunately) there's no Fire and Blood here, just barrel aged stout. This is my first review of a barrel aged beer, a brewing trend that I am a huge fan of. Barrel aging can impart some really great complexity and new and interesting flavors. I've had beers aged in bourbon barrels, rum barrels, and wine barrels. This beer, however,  is aged in oak barrels. Alright, to the beer!

Dragon's Milk pours a deep black with a big light tan head. When I held the glass to light beautiful ruby red and mahogany highlights become evident. A very pretty beer.

The barrel aging really makes itself known first on the aroma. Big vanilla notes come out first followed by more subdued caramel aromas. Some slightly boozy aromas are here as well. There's that 10% ABV rearing it's head.

Dragon's Milk has a medium to heavy body with a bit of creaminess. This is kind of an odd beer for a stout. The usual coffee and chocolate flavors that you get from roasted malts are very subdued by the barrel aging. Those flavors are replaced by vanilla, and slight hints of licorice, and dark fruits. It starts of very smooth but finishes with a lingering bitterness. That 10% ABV again makes itself known on the finish as well with a pleasant warming sensation. This would make a great beer to keep the winds of winter at bay at your dark and lonely post at Castle Black. OK, enough of the Song of Ice and Fire references. I'm sorry. But seriously though. This would be a pretty great beer on a cold snowy night. Very hearty and enough of an alcohol presence to keep you feeling warm.

This is far from the wildest or most daring barrel aged beer I've had but that doesn't keep it from being a very enjoyable and flavorful stout. If you've never tried barrel aged beer before, this would be a great one to start with.


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