Sunday, January 29, 2012


Hello, fair reader! I'm Clarke. As you may have surmised by the name of this blog I am a huge beer nerd and I hail from the great city of Cincinnati. I work as a graphic designer but one of my biggest passions in life is craft beer. As much as I like to think that I know about beer and brewing there's so much still for me to learn...

That's the main impetus behind this blog. I love beer but I want to learn to be able to talk about it more eloquently and intelligently. I have home brewed before but I want to learn what makes a great beer and how to brew it. I want to learn more about the craft beer scene in Cincinnati and become more involved. I want to learn more about web design and running a blog.

(Full disclosure, folks. I'm really just looking for a way to justify dropping $40 on bombers at Jungle Jim's every other week)

So anyways. In the future look for me stumbling my way through beer reviews, home brewing, beer event reports, my thoughts on design in beer and so on and so forth. I hope you can find something here to enjoy!

Look forward, later in the week, for my report from this weekend's Pretzelfest. The kickoff to the 2012 Cincinnati Bockfest season. Here's a preview: it was rad.



  1. I can't wait to read these posts!

  2. Looking forward to reading your blog. From one beer lover to another.

  3. I want to know if you can recommend a good craft beer that can be enjoyed while watching a Lord of the Rings marathon (extended edition, who even watches the theatrical version?)

    1. It would have to be something relatively sessionable. You couldn't really be drinking imperial stouts all day and have any expectation to be awake to see the Grey Havens at the end.

  4. lil bro and wife pieceJanuary 30, 2012 at 9:05 PM


    1. we got tooo many cats , just wanna look at theyselves, is my armbands look ok, is my headband lookin allright , look at me i'm lookin mighty fine, just need MORE DOGZZZZ!!!

  5. Lookin forward to this spot broski.

